Tavakulova Sevil

Tavakulova Sevil

Head of Corporate Culture and Communications

Sevil Tavakulova graduated from Moscow Institute of Business and Design, majoring in management.

She began her career in HR at BAT Uzbekistan as a personnel management specialist. In 2021, she moved into SMM and started freelancing, working on small projects.

Sevil is an active participant in international conferences on HR and PR, and is always on the lookout for new and interesting projects to unlock her potential!


Sevil joined the team of the HRBG in May 2022, taking up the position of a consultant. She is currently Head of Corporate Culture and Communications.

Other employees

Sharipova Zarina

Deputy CEO

Bobojonov Otabek

Senior Business Development Specialist

Svotin Yevgeniy

Junior Specialist in the Compensation and Benefits Department